The Official Guide for Tennessee State Parks
Powered by Pocket Ranger®
FREE! Including All Enhanced GPS Features
Website: tn.gov/environment/parks
Category: Education, Lifestyle, Navigation, Travel
Seller: ParksByNature Network, LLC
Created in alliance with Tennessee State Parks
Search for "Pocket Ranger®" in either the App Store or Google Play. Or, enter your email address in the appropriate field. We will send you a download link for the app to be accessed directly through your device.

Park goers can access rich GPS features, such as:
- Advanced GPS Maps, which allow users to access trail data, record tracks from hikes, runs, or bike rides, and view elapsed time and distance traveled.
- Easy-to-cache GPS Terrain Map tiles, which ensure that navigation remains possible in the event of lost mobile reception.
- Photo waypoint feature allowing users to snap a photo and mark and record the coordinates of plant life, animal species or landscape views. Post or share these remarkable finds with family and friends with the click of a button.
- Friend Finder feature that allows users to keep track of friends and family around the parks.
- Built-in compass to help direct users through the parks.
- Potentially life-saving Alert feature that supplies users’ GPS coordinates to designated contacts in case of an emergency.
Pocket Ranger® technology also provides plenty of other standard features that make exploring the great outdoors a breeze, including:
- Thorough information on all State Parks including general policy, contact information, activities, trails, park maps and much more.
- Detailed, cacheable maps of park facilities, trails and campgrounds.
- Up-to-date news and information on park advisories and weather information.
- Sharing features that allow users to share current positions, waypoints and recorded tracks via Facebook, Twitter, or email.
- A Calendar of Events, updated in real time, listing all State Park events with the ability to filter by desired park. Users can also create their own schedule that can include any event from any park.
- Access to online reservations that make it easy to secure overnight visits.
- Plus so much more!
With the Pocket Ranger® in hand, prepare to bask in the vast natural wonders of Tennessee State Parks!
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The enhanced pro features on the app are designed to function in areas with little to no mobile reception; however, some of the features require mobile data reception in order to function properly.
Continued use of GPS running in the background can dramatically decrease battery life.